Samaritan Medical Outreach Ministries (SMOM) is a non-profit organization founded to provide assistance to medical facilities and medical staff through consultation and financial contribution in an effort to provide medical care in communities deemed indigent by US standards. The organization exists exclusively for charitable and educational purposes.
The purpose is to provide this assistance to Bangalore Baptist Hospital (BBH) in Bangalore, India. The initiative for founding SMOM came through American surgeon, Dr. Rebekah Naylor, who was a full-time member of the hospital’s staff for more than 25 years. The hospital offers medical care and trains medical personnel to provide holistic care to all people, irrespective of religion or creed.
Since its inception in 1973, BBH has prioritized providing high quality medical care to indigent patients. No patient is refused care due to inability to pay. A significant portion of hospital funds are budgeted for indigent patient care. Outreach work in the rural areas and urban slums remains an emphasis, as it has been throughout the past four decades. BBH additionally operates a peripheral rural hospital with a variety of health projects, as well as development programs in 50 surrounding villages. For over 50 years, BBH has prioritized care for the poor and that priority continues as much today as when the hospital was founded.
The hospital’s vision is healing and wholeness in the spirit of Jesus Christ. There are now 450 beds in the hospital which service in a city of 14 million. Specialty services now include transplants. In the 2023-2024 fiscal year the hospital and clinics served 441,504 outpatients, 29,478 admissions, 3,185 deliveries, and 8,753 surgeries.
The emphasis on compassionate indigent care has carried over into the educational programs. A major objective in establishing the Rebekah Naylor School of Nursing was to allow economically disadvantaged young women to gain an education in the medical profession, providing a dependable livelihood. Although the initial goal was to target a student population comprised of a minimum of 50% from economically disadvantaged households, the reality is a greater impact. Academically, the school of allied health has expended to include B.Sc. and M.Sc. level courses. Postgraduate medical education for doctors has expanded to 20 specialties.

Board of Directors
Dr. Rebekah Naylor, Founder and Vice President
Dr. Kimberly Sweet, President
Michael Dean
Dr. Paul Dearing
Mrs. Roopa Dearing, Treasurer
Dr. Shelby Garner
Mrs. Angela Geisendorff
Dr. Alex Hollub
Judy King
Dr. Sam Law
Mrs. Jo Anne McCullough
Dr. Ellen Palmer, Emeritus
Dr. Lyn Prater, Secretary
The management (Board of Directors) of Samaritan Medical Outreach Ministries, Inc. is on a voluntary basis. Members of the board bring expertise in administration, business, education, health care and fundraising. Dr. Rebekah Naylor, founder and vice president of SMOM Board of Directors, who served as hospital administrator and surgeon at Bangalore Baptist Hospital for 28 years, maintains close contact with the hospital. Several board directors have served as volunteers at BBH in various capacities. The SMOM Board of Directors possesses vast professional experience, augmented by a profound commitment to BBH, highlighting its capacity to offer ongoing support of BBH.